Avec l'initiative pour la recherche sur le développement durable, la SCNAT, avec ses institutions sœurs, promeut la science sur le développement durable et l’Agenda 2030. Elle accorde une attention particulière au traitement conjoint des questions socialement prioritaires dans les consortiums globaux.en plus

Image : OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.comen plus

Food System Innovation Hubs


13:00 - 14:00

Webinar on the Sight and Life Food System Innovation Hubs

Sight and life

Sight and Life will initiate Food Systems Innovation Hub (FSIH) in rapidly emerging consumer markets, such as India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Kenya to stimulate investment in resilient and responsive food systems, and facilitate relevant technology transfer and know-how from HIC to LMIC.

Through partnerships, government collaboration, impact investors, philanthropies in the context of local entrepreneurs, the hubs will catalyse a transformative change for society-wide dietary shifts towards more efficient, healthier, and more environmentally friendly food systems.

Join the webinar to discuss the means to accelerate this work to improve food safety, quality, nutrition and health outcomes.

More about Sight and Life...
As a global leader in nutrition, Sight and Life uses science to change the way nutrition is delivered to people who need it the most. To catalyze science-based solutions, we build strategic and long-lasting partnerships with a diverse set of stakeholders to inform, support, design, and implement nutrition innovations in high-burden countries. In doing so, we seek to drastically improve millions of women and children’s health and well-being.

For more information please visit sightandlife.org.


  • Organisateur·trice principal·e
    Sight and Life
Langues : Anglais