With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.di più

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Towards more sustainability, diversity and equal opportunities in science

Academia today is characterised by unhealthy competition, publication pressure and quantification practices. This puts people in research in the background. We want to counteract this and call for the enabling of reflected innovation and creativity in a slow science.

Better Science
Immagine: Better Science

Academic work should be characterised by sustainability, diversity, and equal opportunities: it should provide quality in a holistic sense, whereby quantity and speed are not the primary considerations. The Better Science Initiative contributes to a rethinking of the current paradigm of quantifiable scientific and scholarly work. Our ten calls to action concerning research, teaching, and administration draw attention to these issues. SCNAT is partner of Better Science.


  • cultura della scienza