With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.more

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I want it! Career experiences by young scientists

Webinar N°9 within a series of nine webinars on gender equality and diversity


16:00 - 17:00

Female junior and advanced scientists, yet without a permanent position, share their experiences and their expectations regarding gender equality and diversity. They will present their career path and indicate highlights and hurdles of their professional development. During the panel discussion individual experiences as well as the role of institutional and societal boundary conditions will be addressed.

male and female scientists on red background
Image: pixelfarm


Dr. Gina Garland, Group Leader in the Soil Resources group, ETH Zurich and Research Scientist in the Soil Quality and Use group, Agroscope, Switzerland

Gina Garland received her PhD from the Sustainable Agroecosystems group at ETH Zurich where she investigated the impacts of maize-pigeon pea intercropping on soil nutrient dynamics and crop yields in Malawi. In 2020 she was granted SNSF-Prima funding to conduct a five-year research project entitled “Understanding the impacts of antibiotics from human excreta derived fertilizers on the soil-microbial-plant nexus.” Overall, her research is motivated by her desire to help improve global food security and livelihoods.

Dr. Adria Leboeuf, PRIMA Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Adria LeBoeuf is heading the Lab of Social Fluids at the University of Fribourg. Her research focuses on collective behavior, social physiology and the evolution of social communication. She founded The Catalyst - a non-profit association focused on training and science entertainment and is member of the Advisory Council of the Swiss young Academy.

Dr. Mara Saenz de Juano Ribes, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Mara Saenz de Juano is a postdoctoral researcher at the Animal Physiology Group of the ETH Zurich. She obtained her PhD in Animal Sciences in Spain and did her first postdoc in Belgium. Her current work focuses on the study of the role of bovine mammary gland extracellular vesicles in health and disease. Her research has always been combined with teaching activities and supervising students. Since her return from maternity leave last June, she is experiencing the challenge of compensating for the time she was absent while improving the work-life balance, which is now one of her priorities.

Dr. Lucienne Tritten, Institute of Parasitology, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Board member of the the Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology

Lucienne Tritten is a parasitologist, specialized in worm parasites. After obtaining her PhD in Microbiology at the Swiss TPH (University of Basel) in 2012, she conducted two postdocs at McGill University (Canada) and at the University of Zurich. There, since 2017, she has been leading her own research and team, with an Ambizione grant (SNSF) among others. She has two young children.
