The idea behind the Sustainability Research Initiative
News from the Sustainability Research Initiative
News related to sustainable development

Register now for the 25th Swiss Global Change Day
Look beyond the horizon of climate and global change research and register now for the 25th Swiss Global Change Day on 9 April 2025. In addition to expert talks, we will provide you plenty of time to present your own research or organisation with a poster or at a stand and to network with colleagues. The most attractive and comprehensive posters submitted by students or postdocs will be honoured with a travel award of 1000 francs.

New governance strengthens the Sustainability Science Forum
The Sustainability Science Forum is entering a new phase: with an expanded governance structure, the congress is being put on a broader basis. It is intended to become a meeting place and discussion forum for science and practice for the sustainable shaping of the future. The next edition is planned for November 2025.
Städte im Fokus: Wie urbane Räume den Wandel zu nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen vorantreiben können
Städte haben großes Potenzial, lokale Ernährungssysteme zu transformieren. Die saguf-AG Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme zeigt Ergebnisse eines Projekts zur Ernährungspolitik in Schweizer Städten.
Image: GAIA
Sachbearbeiter:in Administration 50–70%
Für das Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke, das Forum für Klima und globalen Wandel, die Forschungskommission des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und die Initiative für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung suchen wir ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine Sachbearbeiterin oder einen Sachbearbeiter.
Image: SCNAT
Designing Inspiring Workshops and Courses in Transdisciplinarity: A Guide
The guide offers practical advice for designing workshops and courses in transdisciplinarity. It provides tools to help academics and researchers create training tailored to their audience, with a focus on collaboration and key concepts in transdisciplinary practice.

Systematic behaviour change in development projects
The course will enable participants to plan, design and evaluate systematic behaviour change campaigns based on the RANAS approach. The participants will learn how to conduct a quantitative survey measuring relevant behavioural factors, how to identify the required behaviour change techniques and how to verify their effectiveness.
Image: Elisabeth Seimetz
SRI Newsletter 4/2024
Collaborative Action for Sustainability Research and Innovation in Europe (CASRI): Video Gabriela Wülser, SRI Session at ITD Conference 2024
Steering Committee Sustainability Research
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern
File Sustainable development
Get an overview of scientific contributions to sustainable development and especially to the Agenda 2030: The Sustainability Research Initiative of the SCNAT provides researchers, research funding agencies and political decision-makers with important synthesis reports, projects, event information and news from the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and other institutions.