Future Earth Switzerland
Future Earth is a global platform for international scientific collaboration. It provides knowledge and support for transformation towards sustainable development. We represent Future Earth at national level.

Future Earth is a ten-year programme, that launched in 2015. It emerged through merging the Global Change programmes «International Biodiversity Research Programme DIVERSITAS», «International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change IHDP» and «International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme IGBP». Future Earth pushes research and innovation for sustainable development at a global scale. Website of Future Earth
Future Earth Switzerland
We participate in developing and implementing Future Earth activities, by placing experts, supporting knowledge exchange and strengthening science for sustainable development in Switzerland.
To better engage with critical sustainability issues, Future Earth 2021 has created a new governance structure. Gabriela Wülser represents Future Earth Switzerland in the General Assembly, our second seat is currently vacant. Learn more
Switzerland hosts three international Future Earth programmes
Past Global Changes (Pages) coordinates research on past global environmental changes and its impact on human-environment interactions. This knowledge, amongst other priorities, serves to draft possible future developments of our climate and environment.

The Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) is a platform for international and cross-disciplinary collaboration on the assessment, conservation, and sustainable management of mountain biodiversity.

bioDISCOVERY promotes interdisciplinary collaborative research on feedbacks between global change drivers, and the biodiversity, functioning and services of natural ecosystems.
The Global Land Programme (GLP) had its international office at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the University of Bern in Switzerland from 2016-2023.

The Global Land Programme (GLP) brings together integrated science perspectives on the understanding of land systems. Its interdisciplinary approach aims at investigating interdependencies and feedbacks between human activities and land systems in the context of Global Change.