With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.more

Image: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commore

Training and capacity building

EPFLglobaLeaders doctoral programme
Image: EPFL


A new doctoral fellowship programme based at EPFL funding early-stage researchers to become leaders in the transition towards sustainable societies. Forty-eight doctoral fellows will benefit from a multifaceted training programme, including a secondment in the non-academic sector. The fellowship consists of a monthly contribution to the salary of the doctoral candidate of EUR 1’935 and is granted for a period of forty-eight months. Read more

Massiv Open Online Course - Partnering for Change: Link Research to Societal Challenges
Image: td-net

tdMOOC: Open Online Course on Transdisciplinary Research

This MOOC focusses on how societal challenges can be addressed with research and investigates principles, processes, and applications of transdisciplinarity. With a basis on sound theoretical and methodological background, five projects illustrate promising different ways of dealing with complex societal challenges. The course is aimed students and researchers from all backgrounds, as well as policy makers and practitioners. It consists of six weeks totalling 30 hours’ workload for learners, with a mix of formats including videos, articles, discussions and quizzes. Read more

Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership
Image: Robert Bosch Stiftung

Robert Bosch Foundation: Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership

The Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership is an intensive high-end program with four seminars in two years that broaden inter- and transdisciplinary research competencies of early career sustainability researchers and promote their qualifications towards transdisciplinary leadership. The program also offers seed funding (e.g. for stakeholder meetings or proposal writing activities) to small groups of participants, who plan to initiate research collaborations. The Academy is aimed at postdocs from across Europe who want to make an impact on the transformation towards a sustainable society and advance the complementarity of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities by means of their research. Read more


Something missing?

Do you know of any funding opportunities open to Swiss researchers that are not yet presented in this compilation and that provide support for sustainability science?

Nachhaltigkeitstag der 3 Hochschulen
Image: alphaspirit/stock.adobe.com

U Change 2021-2024: Studentische Initiativen zur Nachhaltigkeit

U Change fördert die Projektarbeit von Studierenden der Schweizer Hochschulen zu Themen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. U Change wird vom Bund finanziert und vom Netzwerk für transdisziplinäre Forschung (td-net) der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz geleitet. Die Programmmittel werden über kompetitive Ausschreibungen vergeben, insgesamt stehen im Laufe von vier Jahren 1.9 Mio CHF zur Verfügung. Arbeiten, die im Rahmen des Studiums obligatorisch sind (z.B. Semester-, Bachelor-, Master-und Doktorarbeiten), können nicht gefördert werden. Mehr erfahren