With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.more

Image: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commore

Funding opportunities with a focus on research

BRIDGE Discovery

Innosuisse and SNSF: BRIDGE Discovery

This funding scheme is aimed at experienced researchers from all disciplines who wish to realise an innovation with great social or economic impact. They can submit a proposal on their own or as part of a consortium of up to three researchers. The project must be characterised by scientific excellence and a clear vision of a future application. A maximum amount of 850,000 CHF can be designated for a project duration of 4 years. Read more

Belmont Forum research projects
Image: Belmont Forum

Belmont Forum – Collaborative Research Actions (CRAs)

The Belmont Forum CRAs are recurring calls that aim to support international transdisciplinary research providing knowledge for understanding, mitigating and adapting to global environmental change. Every proposal must include natural scientists, social scientists and stakeholders. Collaborators must be from at least three different countries. Read more

Image: SNIS

Swiss Network for International Studies SNIS – Annual Call

The call offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary teams working on international studies. Pluri-disciplinary projects in the social sciences, as well as those that combine natural and social sciences are supported. Projects must run for two years, and funding can range from 100’000 to 300’000 CHF. Read more

turk's cap lily flowers
Image: M. Bolliger


BiodivERsA is a European network programming and funding research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions across Europe. It launches annual calls for research projects and is funded under the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET COFUND scheme. In general, research teams need to form transnational research consortia with eligible partners from a minimum of 3 countries participating in the call (including a minimum of two from EU Member States or EU Associated Countries). Read more

ERA-NET Cofund ICT-Agri-Food Drone
Image: ICT-Agri-Food


The overall objective of the funding programme “ICT-enabled agri-food systems” is strengthening the cooperation in research, development and innovation between EU Member and associated States to foster the use of smart digital technology to make European food systems more sustainable, resilient and secure.
With financial support of the European Commission (EC), the proposing consortium organizes and funds joint calls for transnational research projects on an annual basis. Funded research projects will contribute to introducing and exploring digital technology that enhances the sustainability of the agri-food sector to the benefit of our and future generations.

In 2021, a Call has been launched on “Circularity in mixed crops and livestock farming systems with emphasis on climate change mitigation and adaptation”. Read more

Liebefeldpark, Bern
Image: Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke

Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen BWO: Forschungsprogramm 2024-2027

Das Forschungsprogramm für den Zeitraum von 2024 bis 2027 richtet seinen Schwerpunkt auf die Themen, die die Wohnforschung in den kommenden vier Jahren voraussichtlich massgeblich beeinflussen werden. Es befasst sich mit Entwicklungen, die eventuell staatliches Eingreifen erforderlich machen könnten, erarbeitet praxisorientierte Grundlagen und unterstützt konkrete Ansätze zur Bewältigung vorhandener Probleme.

Das Forschungsprogramm fokussiert auf folgende vier Themen:

  • Wohnungsmarkt und politische Rahmenbedingungen
  • Bezahlbares Wohnen
  • Ressourcenschonendes und klimaresilientes Wohnen
  • Anpassungen des Wohnungsbestandes an veränderte Bedürfnisse

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Something missing?

Do you know of any funding opportunities open to Swiss researchers that are not yet presented in this compilation and that provide support for sustainability science?