Avec l'initiative pour la recherche sur le développement durable, la SCNAT, avec ses institutions sœurs, promeut la science sur le développement durable et l’Agenda 2030. Elle accorde une attention particulière au traitement conjoint des questions socialement prioritaires dans les consortiums globaux.en plus

Image : OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.comen plus

Words Matter - guide to word choice for teaching in international cooperation

Does language shape thoughts, perception, and practice, or is it our own beliefs and actions that determine the language we use? In the field of international cooperation, the language that is often used can be problematic. We hope this guide triggers reflection and discussion on the structures of power, privilege, and bias which are inherent, yet often overlooked in international cooperation

Words Matter

Source: ETH NADEL 2023. Words Matter - guide to word choice for teaching in international cooperation.
