Mit der Initiative für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung treibt die SCNAT gemeinsam mit ihren Schwesterinstitutionen die Wissenschaft zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung und zur Agenda 2030 voran. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richtet sie auf die gemeinsame Bearbeitung gesellschaftlich prioritärer Fragen in übergreifenden Konsortien.mehr

Bild: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commehr

Harnessing the Collective Power of Scientists: Future Earth’s 2022-23 Annual Report

In the face of mounting environmental and social change, Future Earth harnesses the collective power of scientists to design solutions and foster a deeper understanding of the mutual dependence between people, nature, and the planet through transdisciplinary research and innovation. In 2022-23, Future Earth ramped up participation at the science-policy interface to help incorporate the latest science into global decision-making, expanded our capacity building especially among early career researchers, and initiated work on a new member portal to better connect and inform our community and beyond. The Future Earth community together developed more than 1200 publications within the reporting period.

Futur Earth (2023): Annual Report 2022-23
Bild: Futurearth

